130: How cafes can be more responsible with Jo Horsley

In this episode, we talk to Joanna Horsley. She is the General Manager of Responsible Cafes – a community organisation aimed at reducing plastic and carbon emissions from the cafe community. She is also a mum of a 5-year-old and in her ‘spare’ time she writes and illustrate children’s books and sings children’s books with a mental health theme!

During this episode, we talked about the impact cafes can have on reducing waste and how we can encourage more cafe’s to make switches. We also take about the bean rating system they have been using and talked about some amazing cafe’s that are doing wonderful work.

All-Purpose Cleaner

This all-purpose cleaner is a really easy recipe that can also be adapted quickly to accommodate your needs and favourite scents. I use this cleaner for basically everything. If I was Gus Portokalos from My Big Fat Greek wedding, then this would be my “windex” when it comes to cleaning, it might not be the…

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My top 10 tips to reduce your waste

Sometimes when we want to reduce our waste, it can be really overwhelming at first. I wish there was a cookie-cutter plan that I could give you all that is fail-proof. However, we are all different, from our lifestyle, family, habits and the availability of bulk food stores. I have put together some of my top tips to help you on this journey. I would highly recommend starting with the first two first and then make your way through the rest of the tips, when you get to those stages. Reducing waste is also about changing our habits and this is something that might take some time, be patient with yourself and your environment. Take it one step at a time and one habit at a time and remember there is no “perfect” choice, only a better choice for the environment.  

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