186: Circular Economy in Action

In this episode, we dive into the concept of the circular economy, exploring how it differs from the traditional linear model and why it’s essential for a sustainable future. From understanding the role of design in extending product lifecycles to discovering innovative companies like Loop by Terracycle and Herman Miller, we highlight real-world examples of circularity in action.

 Key differences between the linear and circular economies:

  • Linear Economy: Us humans have adopted a linear approach that maximizes profits without paying the true costs. (Short term profit, no real thought of the long term implications)
  • Circular Economy: Nature shows us the way with a circular approach, where everything goes back into the earth to feed the next cycle, maximizing the life cycle of products. (There is a )
  • Linear Economy: Waste equals waste.
  • Circular Economy: Waste equals food for the next step in the cycle.
  • Linear Economy: Design prioritizes customer needs, usability, and appealing packaging.
  • Circular Economy: Design prioritizes recycling, easy repair and replacement of components, and ultimately, a product’s full lifecycle.

Links from the episodes:

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

The Story of stuff  by Annie Leonard


The Shitthropocene | Full Film | Welcome to the Age of Cheap Crap

Nudie Jeans

Rent Runway


Shop Retold


Plaine Products 

Loop by Terracycle 

Herman Miller

Cradle to Cradle 


“The circular economy reimagines waste as a resource, driving sustainability by keeping products and materials in use and regenerating nature.”

Image Source: Final Straw

About the author, Mariska

Hi and welcome! My name is Mariska. I am originally from South Africa, but now call the world my home. I am an artist, designer, environmentalist, podcast host and speaker.

I started the Mama Earth Talk podcast in 2018 to share some of the things that I learned about just how easy it can be to reduce your impact on the environment. This then quickly grew into a forum that showcases the amazing things that many people are doing to make the planet better, and further into a source of hope and inspiration for many. A few of the amazing guests include Zero Waste Queen, Bea Johnson, Claude Silver, Kathryn Kellogg and zero waste chef Max La Manna.

If you do not already I urge you to follow me and my journey on social media (@designbymariska), and to refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle and rot your own waste using the handy tips I post!

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