Lonely Whale

“Lonely Whale” was created out of my passion to fight the use of single-use plastic straws as well as my love for the ocean and the Blue Whale, often referred to as the Lonely Whale or 52.
Although Blue Whales are endangered there is something special about this particular whale, 52. Blue Whales normally communicate at a frequency of 15-25 Hertz. 52 on the other hand communicates at 52 Hertz, making it impossible for other Blue Whales to understand him and to communicate with him. It is believed that this whale has spent its entire life in solitude. Calling out, never to be heard or communicated by any other whale, making this whale indeed the loneliest whale in the ocean.
I wanted to tell the story of 52 as well as that of Lonely Whale, a Not for Profit that is doing wonderful work to help our oceans. One of their first campaigns #stopsucking was aimed at getting people to stop using single-use plastic straws. Therefore, the entire wireframe of the whale is covered using single-use plastic straws that are fused together.
Through this piece I want people to become more aware of their single-use habits and what impact these habits have on our oceans.
The base of the sculpture is created using a reclaimed piece of wood that was collected in the UAE desert.
Title: “Lonely Whale”
Dimensions: 930mm x 600mm x 500mm
Medium: Mixed Medium (Wire Frame and Single-use plastic Straws)