095: How we can drop our plastic habits with Tatiana Antonelli Abella
In this episode, we talk to Tatiana Antonelli Abella. She is the Founder and Managing Director of Goumbook, a Social Enterprise dedicated to raising awareness among the local community on Sustainability and Green Living. She is also the founder of the only tree planting initiative of the GCC, Give a Ghaf Tree Planting Program.
During this episode, we take a look at how her journey started and how providing clean water opens an entirely new view of life. We also look at why she wanted to plant Ghaf trees and why it is important to plant indigenous trees in your region. She also gave us some tips on how we can reduce our waste and drop plastic.
094: How a a theater-based collective is driving change with Tanya Daud
In this episode, we talk to Tanya Daud. She is the founder and CEO of Qissa’Go, a theatre-based collective, which focusses on the promotion, preservation and celebration of South Asian languages and literature.
During this episode, we take a look at the importance of preserving a language and how the loss of a language can lead to losing out on a culture. We also talk about how the effects on climate change have an impact, as many South Asian islands are being lost due to climate change and we are seeing more climate refugees leaving their home countries and the effects this has on their culture and heritage.
093: The Last Swab that you would ever need with Isabel Aagaard
In this episode, we talk to Isabel Aagaard. She is the co-founder of LastSwab, a dedicated Danish company creating sustainable alternatives to single-use items. They have designed a reusable cotton swab or q-tip to reduce the 550 billion cotton swabs that are produced every single year.
During this episode, we take a look at why they decided to start with the cotton swab and what their product is made off? We also look at ways that we can take care of our Last Swab and how they are so confident in their products that they offer an 11% refund. We also talked about all the copies of their product that is on the market and how to identify if a product is the real deal and live up to the Last Swab’s high standards.
092: How Plastic Change is making a change with Anne Aittomaki
In this episode, we talk to Anne Aittomaki. She is the is Strategic Director and CSO at Plastic Change, a Danish environmental NGO and fighting hard to break the exponential growth of plastic pollution.
During this episode, we take a look at some of the issues around the single-use culture we have. We also talk about how she and her team are educating many people through their great content and also provides us with some tips to help fight the plastic pollution problem.
091:How we can be more aware this pink October Lina Al-Sharif
In this episode, we talk to Lina Al-Sharif. She is the founder of Hooking Good and is currently going through her second time being diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
During this episode, we take a look at her journey and how she discovered she had cancer, her treatment and how we can do our best to help people going through cancer and what not to ask someone that is going through this.
090: How one tree planted can make a difference with Matt Hill
In this episode, we talk to Matt Hill. He is the founder and CEO of One Tree Planted a Vermont-based non-profit that is making it their mission to make it easier for people to give back to the environment.
During this episode, we take a look at some of the projects that One Tree planted was a part of and we also look at ways how we can get involved to start tree planting as well as the importance of planting trees.
089: How 5 Gyres is helping people kick the single-use habit with Dr. Marcus Eriksen
In this episode, we talk to Dr Marcus Eriksen. He is an environmental scientist, educator and author committed to building stronger communities through art, science, adventure and activism. He is the co-founder of the 5 Gyres and LEAP LAB. He has also written one of the most comprehensive scientific articles on marine plastic pollution, partly based on his own expeditions.
During this episode, we take a look at some of the plastic discoveries that he has made on his exhibitions, including the stomach contents of a camel that died due to a belly full of plastic. We talk about recycling, biodegradable and compostable products and find out ways that we can help to protect our environments.
088: How the first Arab woman summit Everest from the North with Dolores Al Shelleh
In this episode, we talk to Dolores Al Shelleh. She is the first Jordanian woman to summit Everest as well as the 1st Arab woman and second Serbian woman summiting Everest from the North. She was also the first Arab to summit Mount Manaslu.
During this episode, we take a look at the effects climate change has on the mountains. We also talked about her role at the Sustainable City in Dubai and how she is creating more awareness through her climbs.
087: What you do makes a difference with Mariska Nell
In this episode, I am sharing with you some of the questions that I have been getting from you amazing crazy birds and I will be answering them. We had some great questions and please do keep them coming. I talked about feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and how a quote from Jane Goodall (one of my ultimate heroes) is always often stuck in my mind and how this quote has affected many of the choices I make daily.
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make” – Jane Goodall
I also share a few amazing people and organization’s that inspire me to continue every day. I also take a look at the Amazon fires and what we can do to help out where we are.
086: How sustainable passion project can turn into business ventures with Jay Siegel
In this episode, we talk to Jay Siegel. He is the co-host of the Sustainability Defined podcast and the founder of Ground Up Impact that makes environmental and social business ventures profitable.
During this episode, we take a look at how sustainable business can be good for the environment as well as financially viable. We talked about some changes companies are making to educate their customers as well and how we as individuals and organisations can have a more significant impact.
085: How Palm Oil is destroying our Orangutans with Leif Cocks
In today’s episode, we talk Author, Speaker and the founder and president of the Orangutan Project, Leif Cocks. He and his team are working to ensure the compassion, freedom and protection for Critically Endangered Orangutans.
Palm oil is one of the main causes for destroying the forest, driving the Orangutan number down even further. We would be able to help the Orangutans by driving down the demand for Palm oil and refusing to purchase products containing Palm oil.
084: How is climate change affecting our health with Dr. Bruce Bekkar
In this episode, we talk to Dr Bruce Bekkar. He is an M.D with over 20 years of experience. He is also a speaker and writer and devotes his time focusing on global Environmental issues as a passionate climate activist.
During this episode, we take a look at how climate change is affecting our health. What effects 2 degrees Celsius rise in temperature has on our body. We also look at the increase of tropical diseases appearing due to rising temperatures.