031: How Nude Foods are changing the way we shop with Paul Rubin

Paul Rubin

In this episode, we talk to Paul Rubin. He is the founder of Nude Foods the first plastic-free grocery in Cape Town, South Africa.

During this episode, we take a look at his journey that leading him to open a plastic-free store, some of the challenges he had as well as the client’s feedback on the old-school grocery with a modern twist. We look at the why plastic and packaging are as pointless as a bodysuit on a butternut.

029: How the Zero Waste Queen started her journey with Bea Johnson

Bea Johnson

In this episode, we talk to Bea Johnson. She is the global Zero-Waste Lifestyle originator, her book Zero Waste Home has been translated into over 20 languages and she also consults large corporations like IKEA and countries to address their waste issues.

During this episode, we take a look at how her journey started to now where her family of four only create a jar of trash a year and that also inspired a global waste-reducing movement following her 5 R’s. She also shares with us her tips for a capsule wardrobe and how we can shop zero-waste at our local store.

020: Top Tip Thursday, Sustainable Superheroes with Mariska Nell

020_TTT_Sustainable Super Heroes

In this episode, I will be sharing some of the people that I find very inspiring. As I started my journey, I found it very intimidating. There was a lot I had to learn and understand and there were also many times that I felt frustrated. These three sustainable superheroes made my journey a lot easier and I am so proud to have interviewed all three of them on my podcast. During this episode I will share with you how Bea Johnson, Rob Greenfield and Kathryn Kellogg helped me with my sustainable journey.