103: What is the true cost of your fashion with Taryn Hipwell

In this episode, we talk to, Taryn Hipwell. She is a creator, educator, author and producer. She is also the founder of Beyond the Label that was started as a partnership with TEDxLA to educated people about the true cost of their fashion purchases.

During this episode, we take a look at why it is important to know what is in your clothing and how it is made. We also look at the pollution caused by the dyeing processes and the number of industrial water pollution. She also gives us some tips on How to Shop for Shi(f)t that is also the title of her book.

076: Why Single-use plastic bans are important with Mariska Nell

The last straw project

In this episode, I am sharing some great news regarding a ban on single-use items. We will also look at why single-use plastic is a problem, and why it is important for us to get more governments and onboard to change legislation and for the organisation also to do their part and provide people with more environmentally friendly options.