114: Single Use Ain’t Sexy with Josh Howard

Josh Howard

In this episode, we talk to Josh Howard. He is the CEO and founder of Single Use Ain’t Sexy. A company that combines the health of the environment and cool convenience.

During this episode, we take a look at how these small tablets can have a big impact. We also looked at why it is better for us and the Mama Earth to switch to reusable bottles rather than adding to the recycling pile as that aint sexy at all.

113: How to Tread Your Own Path with Lindsay Miles

In this episode, we talk to Lindsay Miles. She is a Zero Waste, Plastic-Free and sustainability educator, advisor and public speaker. She is also the founder of Treading My Own Path a successful online platform where she has been sharing her personal journey to her zero-waste lifestyle. She is also the author of two books, Less Stuff and Less Waste No fuss kitchen.

During this episode, we take a look at how her journey started with Plastic Free July that sparked a passion for sustainable behaviour change. Lindsay also shares how she transformed her lawn into a wonderful veggie garden and we talked Less Waste No Fuss Kitchen, the title of her recent book and what you can expect when reading it as it is full of handy tips and great stories.

112: The Inspired Little Pot with Krissy Ballinger

In this episode, we talk to Krissy Ballinger. She is the founder of The Inspired Little Pot aka Krissy Ballinger Naturally Inspired. She is also the author of Naturally Inspired, a book full of simple DIY recipes for body care and cleaning. She is passionate about educating and increasing the awareness on reducing the number of toxins that people expose themselves to on a daily basis.

During this episode, we take a look at why it was important for Krissy to ditch chemicals and use natural ingredients. We also talk about her book, Naturally Inspired and she shares some of her favorite DIY recipes. Krissy also shares her go-to ingredients and some staples that she is never without in her house.

111: How you can suck responsibly with a Final Straw with Emma Rose Cohen

In this episode, we talk to Emma Rose Cohen. She studied Environmental Management and Sustainability at Harvard and spent four years working in waste management, before becoming a strawtrepreneur. She started a non-profit called Save the Mermaids, that educate children on the harmful effects of single-use plastic. She is the Founder and CEO of the Final Straw.

During this episode, we take a look at how their Kickstarter raised millions in their first weeks. We also talk about the materials used to create the Final Straw and that they as a company take responsibility for their products and if for whatever reason your straw is no longer used you can send it back and they will correctly recycle it. We also talked about what is next for Final and how they are designing for a more sustainable future.

110: How following a frog can make a difference with Rainforest Alliance’s Melanie Mokken

In this episode, we talk to, Melanie Mokken. She is the Market Development Manager for Rainforest Alliance for the Australian and New Zealand market. The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organization, working at the intersection of business, agriculture, and forests to make the responsible business the new normal.

During this episode, we take a look at what exactly is the Rainforest Alliance and how companies and products can get their green frog, seal and how following the frog can make a difference. We also talk about the UTZ merger and how farmers can switch to a different crop if not paid fair wages and prices for their products and how the Rainforest Alliance is supporting farmers to make sure they can thrive.