107: How a zero-waste chef turns waste into amazing food with Anne-Marie Bonneau
In this episode, we talk to, Anne-Marie Bonneau. She is a zero-waste advocate, that has been living plastic-free since 2011. She is also the inspirational woman behind Zero-Wate Chef and always have an amazing zero waste recipe to share.
During this episode, we take a look at her journey living plastic-free since 2011 and solutions that she found for items hard to find without plastic. She also shares all about her sourdough starter, Elanor and gives us some tips on how to make that perfect bread. We also take a peek into her pantry and look at her key ingredients she cannot live without.
106: How Lonely Whale is spreading ripples for our oceans with Emy Kane
In this episode, we talk to, Emy Kane. She is the Director of Digital Strategy at Lonely Whale and Program Manager of the Ocean Heroes Bootcamp. She is currently leading its online content and strategy that includes spreading the Lonely Whale’s #StopSucking social media challenge. She previously worked in the start-up space as a digital and social expert within tech and entertainment.
During this episode, we take a look at the work that Lonely Whale is doing. How their #stopsucking campaign has been a gateway plastic that many people, cities, states and even football stadiums have now ditched. We also look at the museum of plastic and how it got a lot of people to look at how they hydrate.
105: How one dude is making a difference with Rob Greenfield
In this episode, we talk to, Rob Greenfield. He is an activist and humanitarian dedicated to leading the way to a more sustainable world. He is also the author of Dude Making a Difference and the creator of The Food Waste Fiasco. He’s been named “The Robin Hood of modern times” by France 2 TV and “The Forest Gump of Ecology. He has been taking on many challenges over the years like cycling around the US on a bamboo bicycle, wearing his trash for 30 days in New York and growing and foraging all of his own food for a year and is currently travelling the world with all his possessions that fit in a backpack.
During this episode, we take a look at his decision to earn no more than the federal threshold each year. We also look at the 44 items he owned, fitting in his backpack and what key items he cannot go without. He also shares with us his journey from wearing his trash for 30 days to growing and foraging all his food for a year and gave us some tips on how we can help out Mama Earth.
104: How your yoga mat can make a difference with Anup Chandran
In this episode, we talk to, Anup Chandran. He is a product manager with an 18-year history of software development. He is not only passionate about creating software solutions, but also creating eco-conscious products that have a positive impact on our planet and our lives. He is the founder of Ayuray, a brand that creates organic products by blends the world of Yoga and Ayurveda.
During this episode, we take a look at how traditional yogi’s use to use their mats and why it is important to use an organic cotton mat. We also look in the manufacturing process of the mats and how it is coloured using natural dyes and the health impacts that cotton farming has on farmers if not done organically.
103: What is the true cost of your fashion with Taryn Hipwell
In this episode, we talk to, Taryn Hipwell. She is a creator, educator, author and producer. She is also the founder of Beyond the Label that was started as a partnership with TEDxLA to educated people about the true cost of their fashion purchases.
During this episode, we take a look at why it is important to know what is in your clothing and how it is made. We also look at the pollution caused by the dyeing processes and the number of industrial water pollution. She also gives us some tips on How to Shop for Shi(f)t that is also the title of her book.
102: How Big Green is bringing the focus on food back to schools with Tighe Brown
In this episode, we talk to, Tighe Brown. She is the President of Big Green and has helped to create, build and implement educational programs for schools with learning gardens for the past seven years.
During this episode, we take a look at why it is important to grow food and to establish a connection with our food. Tighe tells us about their learning gardens and how their founders (Kimbal Musk and Hugo Matheson) dream of food education is changing the lives of many families.
101: We Made It to 2020 with Mariska Nell
In this episode, I am looking back at the last 100 episodes, (still can’t believe we made it to a 100) and discuss me moving to Brisbane. I also give you some tips on what you can do when you need to prep and pack for a move and share our goal for 2020.
100: How An Artivist Is Raising Awareness On Pollution with Marina DeBris
In this episode, we talk to, Marina DeBris. She is an artivist on a mission to eliminate waste and cruelty to other species.
During this episode, we take a look at some of her art pieces, the inspiration behind her art as well as some of the weirdest stuff she had picked up from the beach.
099: How A Plastic Ocean Is Changing our Habits with Jo Ruxton
In this episode, we talk to, Jo Ruxton. She is the founder and director at Plastic Oceans UK, producer and ambassador for the film A Plastic Ocean.
During this episode, we take a look at inspired her to work on the multi-award-winning film. We look at some of the worst things she has seen when it comes to plastic pollution and find out what we can do today to have a positive effect on our environment
098: How A Professional Surfer Is Making A Wave of Change with Frank Solomon
In this episode, we talk to, Frank Solomon. He is a professional surfer and the founder of ‘The Sentinel Ocean Alliance‘ and have also created a short film titles The Street Surfers.
During this episode, we take a look at how he has seen the ocean change over the years due to plastic pollution. We also talk about a differ type of surfer, The Street Surfers his short film is about and the important role they play in recycling and the hardships they go through to earn a living in South Africa. Frank also shares how he has used his passion for surfing to create a space where kids of the community can safely learn, play, feel inspired and fall in love with the ocean.
097: How one journalist is making a difference with Candice Batista
In this episode, we talk to, Candice Batista. She is an Award-Winning Environmental Journalist, Writer, Speaker, Educator. She’s also one of a few select Canadians hand-picked to be trained by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, to give the Inconvenient Truth Presentation.
During this episode, we take a look at greenwashing and fake news and how to better consume information to avoid that. We also look at why it is important to have television shows and news agencies shine a light on environmental issues. She also gave some tips to anyone wanting to start a career in eco journalism.
096: How we can shop more sustainable for clothing with Araceli Gallego
In this episode, we talk to, Araceli Gallego. She is an Entrepreneur & Storyteller with a passion for fashion, creativity, and sustainability. She is also a sustainable fashion advocate and the founder of Goshopia.
During this episode, we take a look at some of the secrets of the fashion industry as well as how fashion brands can be more sustainable. We also look at what exactly is slow fashion and how we can make a difference by supporting more sustainable brands.