014: Top Tip Thursday, Coffee with Mariska Nell


In this episode, I will be sharing with you some interesting facts about coffee. Like how much coffee we consume. Who is the world’s biggest coffee drinkers. We also look at the way coffee is farmed and how climate change can influence the yields and how this has an influence on coffee farmers and the sustainability and survival of your cuppa joe.

012: Top Tip Thursday Reducing Your Water Use with Mariska Nell

Reducing Your Water Use

In this episode, I will be talking to you about water and sharing with you a few tips on how you can reduce your water use at home. Water is such a valuable resource but it is becoming more scares, although 70% of our planet is covered in water, only 3% of that is fresh drinkable water, and from that 3% two-thirds are tucked away in frozen glaciers, and if we are not cautious about how we use our water resources, this number will only decrease. Therefore, we all need to do our part to save every drop we can.

010: Top Tip Thursday The Great Pacific Garbage Patch with Mariska Nell

In this episode, I will be talking to you about gyres. What it is. Why trash is accumulating in these areas. There are currently five large gyres in the ocean (North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, South Pacific and the North Pacific Gyre). The biggest of the five is the North Pacific Gyre better known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is located between California and Hawaii. We will also be talking about the biggest ocean clean up and how this can be a game-changer for the future.

006: Top Tip Thursday Sustainable Travelling with Mariska Nell

In the previous episode we talked to, Sal Lavallo one of the youngest people to have visited every single country in the world.

In this episode, I will be sharing with you some of my tips to travel more sustainable and how being a little prepared can save a lot of waste. The average person on a flight creates around 1kg of waste, with a full plane and a lot of travelling that certainly adds up.